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Ewa Demianiuk, CHt

is certified as a hypnotherapist, by NATH, The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists, the oldest and largest transpersonal hypnotherapy organization in the United States. NATH is a member of COPHO, the Council of national and international Professional Hypnosis Organizations, which maintain high standards in the hypnotherapy profession. 


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Hi, I am Ewa  [EVA]

    I have proudly received training from world-renowned professionals: Antonio Sangio & Alba Weinman in Introspective Hypnosis and
Past Life Therapy. This technique has been developed by them as a combination of modalities learned from their respected teachers: 
Dolores Cannon - US, QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique;
Aurelio Mejia - Colombia, Clinical Hypnosis, Forgiveness Therapy, and Spirit Releasement techniques;
Dr. Jose Luis Cabouli - TVP - transpersonal technique of Past Life Therapy;
LBL - The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy;
State-Licensed Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy; ...

strengthen by ongoing years of discovery, research, and professional practice, independently helping thousands of people like you, around the world.

I received training in 'Rapid Induction Therapy' & 'NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from Ali Campbell, one of the world's leading coaches, therapists & cutting-edge experts on personal development, who not only helped countless people like you, but also has been a trusted advisor to celebrities, business leaders, and even royalty around the world.

I also learned clinical hypnosis & regression therapy while getting certified as a hypnotherapist by NATH-The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists.


    I am continuing my education in psychology, to better serve my clients.
I am currently a student at the National University in the Master of Arts in
Clinical Counseling
Program, working to receive MFC and/or LPCC license. 


    I have also been inspired by regression hypnosis work of Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.- Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami - Past Life Regression; Ron Amit & Michael Garber - Illuminated Quantum Healing - New Earth Ascending; Candace Craw-Goldman - BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing; and many others.


   I am constantly remaining in an ongoing network of collaboration & professional support with practitioners from all over the world, who facilitate successful regression hypnosis sessions, helping thousands of people like you, in the most amazing and spectacular ways, every day. We learn and improve on each other experiences. It allows me the opportunity for constant development, striving for the most beneficial service to you.


​   Every day, I am inspired, watching how the lives of people have profoundly changed after their hypnosis & regression session.  They were of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions, ethnicity, and sexual orientations. It did not matter if they believed in past lives or not. It did not matter where they came from, what belief system they had, what past experiences they had, what mistakes they thought they made, what abilities or disabilities they had. It worked just the same for everybody. And at the same time, each session was different, just like every person is unique. What they all had in common is that they receive what was needed for them in that moment of their life, what they were ready for.

ccording to the study by Alfred A Barrios Ph.D.: Most issues take root in our subconscious mind, therefore focusing on the subconscious mind has proven to be much more effective than dealing with a conscious mind. 
   600 sessions of psychotherapy = 33% improvement, 

   6      sessions of hypnotherapy = 93% improvement.
It is why hypnosis is known to be so effective in accomplishing long-lasting changes and the fastest improvements.

   I am not a physician, I am not a mental health doctor, I am not a life coach advisor, I am not a miracle worker, I am not an energy healer and - sadly- I do not have any supernatural powers. I was born in Poland, Europe, in a Christian culture. I received my Master's Degree in Europe and I lived successful, corporate life as a graphic designer, photographer & videographer. I was raised in a culture without the concept of past lives and reincarnation. I have always been interested in exploring possibilities, the power of the human mind, and the search for truth. 
My knowledge, perception, understanding, and awareness are constantly evolving. I believe that we are eternal souls having a human experience and we should help each other in this journey of life. I am a wife and a mother, a facilitator of proven-to-work techniques, with the intention to help you. I will be honored by the trust you will put in me and I will be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your journey. It is why I will use all my skills to guide you the best I can in your personal transformation.


Contact me & book your session today.

© 2021 by Quality Multimedia Creations with
Kay words: alternative healing modalities, QHHT, Quantum Healing, Hypnosis Technique, Dolores Cannon, Introspective Hypnosis, Hipnoza Introspekcyjna, Alba Weinman, Hypnotherapy, spiritual awakening, spiritual attachments, Past Life Regression, Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions, Akashic Records, hypnotherapist, regressive hypnotherapy, Aurelio Mejia, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, accelerated healing methods, pain management, karma, Clinical Hypnosis, Forgiveness Therapy, Spirit Releasement, Ewa Demianiuk, Sacramento Area, Bay Area, El Dorado Hills, Folsom, New Earth, IQH, Illuminated Quantum Healing,

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