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What is the best way to prepare for a virtual hypnosis session?

For a smooth and uninterrupted session you will need:

1. Fast internet.

2. Desktop computer with camera or laptop connected to the power outlet.
  (no tablets or IPhones, please)
2. Download the Zoom App (it's free).
3. USB headset with microphone reaching to your mouth (no earbuds, no build-in microphone, please).
4. Quiet place where you won't be disturbed by anyone for a couple of hours. Sessions generally last about 3-4 hours depending on your unique set of circumstances. I suggest keeping the entire day free of important plans to allow time for integration & reflection.

It is not necessary to do anything special to prepare yourself for the session. Here are just suggestions, that has proven to help in having more satisfying, memorable and powerful session, that might work for you:


- Approach it with an open mind, curiosity of a child, and no expectations. When you remove expectations from this experience, it has the opportunity to pleasantly surprise you.


- Feel. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. Become consciously aware of any sensations, physical or emotional. It could be anything you did not notice before, like anxiety, pain, etc. If you give it a chance, Your body might be 'telling' you what you need to work on during your session.


- You might want to warm up by listening to guided meditation audio recording of your choice, such as those widely available on YouTube, to exercise your visualization, imagination, daydreaming. Those are the tools you will use during the session.


- Set your intention on what you wish to focus on during the session. It can be anything. Common topics include:

  • any emotional, physical, and mental symptoms you are experiencing

  • Phobias, fears, traumas, triggers, behavioral Patterns

  • Relationship issues

  • Career/Employment issues

  • Dreams

  • Closure with loved ones who have passed

  • Abortion, organ transplant, past traumas

  • Strange events, missing time

  • Personal development

  • Past Lives

- limit coffee intake before the session, just enough to keep you from getting a caffeine withdrawal headache.
- Drink lots of water!

- Eat before the session, since it can take few hours.

- Be conscious and aware of what symptoms & emotions raise up just before the session,
- A clean live diet (fruits and vegetables) is always recommended.  

- Use a restroom right before the session.

- Don’t drink alcohol & do not take recreational (nor any other) drugs 48h before your session. A session will not be conducted if the client is under the influence of substances, that could alter their state of awareness. - Do not take any pills to relax you. This may jeopardize the success of the session, because I need you awake, focused.

- Take any prescription medications that you normally take. 


- Prepare yourself to be honest, open and ready to share personal details. Session is a safe, confidential space where our goal is to help you without any judgment.

Please note:

Your appointment is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from me with the CIENT INFORMATIONS AND AGREEMANT FORM. Please, 'filled out, sign and email back' this form before session. It must be received by me, no later than 24h before the session scheduled. 


Join me on Zoom at your appointment time. You must be over 18 years old and with clear mental faculties. Hypnosis will not work if you are heavily medicated. You must speak good English or Polish so that we can understand each other. I only allow one person per appointment. Each person must make their own appointment willingly, under their own name and email address. ​I do not accept appointments made for others on their behalf. No substitutions. If you cannot make it to your appointment, please let me know as soon as you can, so we can reschedule. Please be aware that your appointment will be canceled if you are 15 minutes late. I charge upfront for my time and expertise, not for the results. It is why I recommend taking seriously client's preparation since it is a key to most beneficial session. If a refund becomes necessary $25 of payment will be retained to compensate processing fees.


Video: Your session will be recorded via zoom and you will receive a copy of it via  You may share your recording with family and friends at your discretion but please do NOT upload it onto the internet. I reserve all rights to the recording. If your session has information that would be beneficial for others to hear, I will ask at the end if you want to share it.  Personal information and hypnotherapy techniques are edited out of the recording. When you receive the recording, upload it to your computer and listen to your session. I recommend that you listen to the material several times but NOT while driving your car! Sometimes it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially when many meaningful things happen in such a short period of time. 


After the session: You will be fully alert but deeply relaxed and may find yourself in a semi to a very blissful state. Sometimes, clients feel like their body is buzzing with energy.  Sometimes you may feel like purging or taking a long nap. You may feel that you weren't hypnotized at all and made it all up. That's normal.  Be sure to drink a lot of water, eat something and ground yourself after the session (by walking bare feet on the grass, touching a tree or natural crystals). 


What hypnosis session looks like and what to expect?

Every session is different just like every client is different, so having no expectation is advised. It might look like this:

The Interview: (about 15-60min)
First, We will make sure our equipment works well (especially for the remote sessions). We will start with getting to know each other. I will answer all your questions. We'll talk about your life's journey, people that had an impact on you, and go over your concerns. This time is spent going over your family history, issues, and co-creating goals of the a session. I hold a safe space for you, without judgment. An interview will set the intention and guidelines for your session. 

The session (Approximately 1-2h)
When the session begins, I will have you lie down or sit in a comfortable setting and you will be guided into a focused state of relation. You are awake, present and in control, at all the time. We are working with Superconscious Mind which might be called: The Higher Self, Inner Wisdom, Intuition or other. The subconscious communicates through images, feelings emotions, and physical symptoms. The Superconscious might brings forth memories that are the most appropriate for you that day. It will feel like talking to your friend with your eyes closed about your memories. Once the session has reached completion, the client is gently guided back into full awareness.

Closing with Gratitude (15-30min)
Most clients are able to recall all session in details. Very Few (only about 3%) feel that they were asleep for the whole experience. It is one of the reasons sessions are recorder for you. During the Integration Chat, we will take time to recap the session and assure you are fully back.


After the sessionThe benefits of the session will be unfolding after your session. If you are given audio or video documentation of your session, it will be beneficial for you to listen to it. Just like we forget details of a dream, after waking up, this recording helps you recall the important parts that otherwise may naturally have fade away.


Integration Follow Up

Follow up session in a week or two after the IH experience is recommended. During the Integration Follow Up Meeting, we will overview session experience and discuss how to integrate new information into your life with grace and ease. Sometimes, it is simply impossible to address all issues during a single session. Some clients shared, that after experiencing the first initial session, they were able to more fully relax and benefit from the following ones. With the newly gain understanding, If you chose to continue working with me, we will cerate a goals for future sessions. 


Please share your experience with others by writing testimonial on Google or other social media.

What is Introspective Hypnosis?

INTROSPECTIVE HYPNOSIS is a technique created by Colombian hypnotherapist Aurelio Aurelio Mejía, which was further developed, by my teachers: Antonio Sangio & Alba Weinman. This modality combines:

  • Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Forgiveness Therapy

  • Role Change

  • Past Life Regression

  • Spirit Assistance / Spirit Releasement

  • ​

Introspective hypnosis helps people find the origin of any psychosomatic symptom, such as pain, sadness, depression, fears, phobias, relationship issues, addictions, sorrow, anorexia, bulimia, low self esteem, insecurity, migraine, obsessions, quit smoking, obesity and allergies etc. It also helps to properly process traumas, life experiences, repressed emotions, emotional wounds. They are stored in our subconscious waiting to be dealt with. Our conscious mind might hide them, as a form of protection, to not overload us. We unknowingly put these repressed emotions “on hold” due to societal concerns, issues in our daily lives, belief systems, religion, or for other reasons. When no special attention is paid to them, they start manifesting as physical symptoms: tension, headaches, pain, common illnesses like flu, or difficult once, like cancer.

Some symptoms can be caused by spirit attachments. Attachments are souls of peoples who died and did not go to the light, but attached to energetic body of others, coursing variety of, otherwise unexplained symptoms. Introspective Hypnosis was created to help those disembodied ones, who are often lost and confused souls, which need guidance. IH practitioner may help them by treating them with love, respect and affection, by working with them on forgiveness and assisting them to the light (God=Source-Creation), to help continue their natural evolution. If attachments are encountered during a session, they are addressed and assisted. Once the spirit leaves, symptoms transmitted by them are gone, almost immediately.

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes. It is non-intrusive, conducted while participant is awake, alert and in complete control. It has no side effects. You are simply in a state of focused attention. Most people are not aware that they actually undergo self-hypnosis every day, for example, when their mind wanders during a commute to work, when showering, or while watching TV. Rest assure, that morals and ethics remain intact, as does your sense of privacy. The hypnotist needs your collaboration, which means it can NOT be done against your will. These dramatic scenarios portrayed in books or movies are fabrications meant for entertainment. You only  reveal information you wish to share. It is only a myth that People in a trance are under the control of the hypnotist. In fact, you can not be hypnotized if you do not wish to. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. People do not realize when they are are being hypnotized. Do not expect to feel any different while hypnotized, it will feel as any other conversation. It feels like NORMAL TALKING to a friend, being focused on presented subject. 

It is vary rare, only about 3% of people who tent to go to deep somnambulistic hypnotic state, where they will not remember anything. It is not a state we wish to accomplish, since communication is very slow. I would wake you up and try to maintain a level of lighter trans, which would allow us for more smooth communication. Additionally, If it were to happen, you will receive a full video and/or audio documentation of your session. 


What is past life regression?

Past Life Regression is a technique where practitioner conducts session and your own Higher Consciousness selects past life appropriate for you to experience for currently needed healing or understanding. Practitioner will guide you with series of questions from the first scene viewed, throughout the various periods of the life and eventually to the death scene. What Higher Consciousness chooses to show you is always relevant to the your current life.

Even if you do not believe in past life, it is OK. It is important to remember, that your subconscious might create images or story to communicate important message. Just go with it, without judgment, knowing that your session is intended for your benefits & empowerment.

Will it make a difference if I do not believe in past lives or reincarnation?

No. Beliefs are not relevant to any Hypnosis Techniques. Session will be a journey of 'your reality', adapted to what is impotent and truth to you. It is your own Self navigating the journey, and it only wants what is best for you. Your deeper subconscious minds, is to help you reach balance, fulfillment, health, understanding and happiness.

What is Higher Self?

This part of you which knows all. It is much, much more complex than the subconscious. It is immense resource of wisdom that can bring real meaning and purpose to your life. Your Higher Self can answer any and every question you have. It knows everything there is to know about you and the life you are living now. It provides you with comfort, support and greater understanding in all areas of your life. The Higher Self will only choose to share information that is appropriate and information that can only benefit you, at the time. If it is appropriate, this part of you is also able to provide physical and emotional healing.

Will I remember anything?

Most people remember everything, some bits and pieces, very few forget entire experience. It depends on how your brain works. Regardless, the audio and/or video documentation of your session might be recorded for you to re-experience and study details at your convenience.

How can regression help me?

It is amazing experience that brings physical, mental, spiritual and emotional healing. You will let go of what no longer serves you. Session will leave you feeling refreshed, lighter as stagnant energy is released so you can fully step into your life purpose. It can show you who you used to be in your other lives.  It might give you deeper understanding why you were faced with certain challenges or illnesses and help you find appropriate solutions. It can find the cause of unexplained emotions, anxieties and fears. Quantum healing looks for blocked energy, balance and align chakra system, clear and release anything of a low frequency and vibration. We will flood your system with pure source light to begin the healing process. It can help you understand why you are experiencing difficult relationships and bring them to some resolution. Regression can explain your attraction or dislikes for people, objects or places. It will help you find lost items and even lost time. It can help you find gifts and abilities that you have had in the past, and forgot in this life, so you can take advantage of them today. It can help you overcome physical challenges, if it is appropriate. If not, you will certainly gain lots of understanding. A regression can help you with psychosomatic symptoms including depression, addictions, anxieties and phobias. It might help you find your life purpose and direction, help you discover most optimal version of yourself, heal, empower and improve all and any aspects of your life. 


How many sessions will I need?

If you have many traumas to heal or dilemmas to unravel, you should have more. Since each session might be emotionally and/or energetically taxing, it might be impossible to resolve all needed fro you, during just one session. Also our awareness, life and consciousness constantly change, we might find a need to have another session with new questions/intentions again, as time progres. Intentions can vary, Exp: to simply exploration of past lifes, need to heal emotionally or physically, to find perspective on newly arrived live challenge, curiosity about existence after death, grieve after loss of a loved one, pregnancy, and so much more. If for whatever reason you wish, more sessions can by scheduled.


What's the difference between QHHT and an Introspective Hypnosis session?

Interview in a QHHT session might take several hours, in IH session about 45 min.

In a QHHT, the practitioner uses a script developed by Dolores Cannon to induce hypnosis vs IH session can utilize variety of induction techniques (verbal and non-verbal), or non at all. 
QHHT takes a client through past lives and call in the “Subconscious” (Higher Self) to answer questions vs IH goal is to follow emotions and symptoms to its origin, which might be event from childhood, time in a womb, fast life, time between lives, or simply foster internal reflections.
QHHT does not acknowledge an entity attachments and a need to remove them, where Introspective Hypnoses examines your energy field for those incorporeal beings and if encountered, practitioner will work to release them.

QHHT practitioner cannot use other methods during session vs IH is a combination of techniques used applied as needed.
QHHT do not do sessions online. IH is equally effective when performed over Zoom or Skype as in person.


   Everyone can be hypnotized. It is a very familiar state you are in about 80% of each day, while focusing your attention on a chosen task. The IH session will not be performed, if you are under age, had a recent heart attack, or if you are not able to make your own decision. If you have addiction or
have been diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis, you should communicate it before the session, so we can determine if this modality is a good fit for you.
Otherwise, as long as you can remember any memory, such as, how your day was, you will naturally progress into a focused attention state - hypnosis.
So trust yourself, trust in your own abilities, be open-minded and all will go well.


Is hypnosis like being asleep?

No. While a hypnotized subject may have their eyes closed, they are NOT asleep. Hypnotized persons is aware of their surroundings and they actually have a HEIGHTENED sense of focus and awareness.

Can person lie under hypnosis?

Yes. You are in complete control.

Why your prices are different from other hypnosis professionals?

​There are multiple modalities of Hypnosis. It is common for Clinical Hypnotherapist to meet for 60min sessions. Transpersonal Hypnotherapist creates his own, unique style, depending on training, experience and personality. My technique is a combination of techniques which I developed over time, and which I found works best for my clients. For me, every session is a one-of-kind ‘secret journey. This is why I only book a single session a day. I take time to prepare before a session, each session might last from 2 to 6h, after which I will still work on editing and delivering your audio/video recording. Each session is different. I recognize that every client finds their own time to open up & work through what is needed for them. I never rush the process. My goal is that every Client leaves the session feeling better, lighter, and happier.

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